Wednesday 2 February 2011

How Film Openings Show The Genre

To view how large films show the genre of the film in openings i am going to look at film openings and say why they fit in what genre and why, this will aid me when i create my film opening as i can see how films get categorised into genre.

Pineapple Express-

  • Uses obvious humour
  • Juxtopose of characters (serious/silly)
  • Random elements

Social Network-

  • Shows the characters intelligence through the conversation
  • Shows he will use his intelligence in this films
  • It is shown to be a documentary as it is talking about things that have happened (creation of facebook)

Casino royale-

(Embedding disabled on clip)

  • Violence
  • Slow speech
  • Black and white to enhance tension
  • Use of weapons
  • Dialogue shows the theme of spy

A new hope-

  • Set in space shows it is futuristic
  • The costumes used show it is in a different time
  • Guns fire lazers to show time
  • Robots speeching shows its futuristic

I have found out that the genre i would most like to remake would be a action/horror these genres seem to be better to make as the effects and techniques used are simple, whereas with comedy at our level of expertise it would become slap stick comedy and wouldnt look as professional.

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