Thursday, 20 January 2011

Differences between Opening and Trailers.

To show the differences between opening and trailers of the same film. I am going to be concentrating on 8 different points on each, this way i can compare them equally and easily view the differences and similarities.

There are large differences between a film opening and trailer. These difference are easy to spot but some films do intergrate techniques through the two. One of the techniques is that they both create the same atmosphere and have the same themes. This is used for most openings and trailers as the the audience knows what type of film it is and so they can know what to expect when they watch the film.

Aspects found in:
  • The trailer contains more information about the whole film.
  • Trailer shows clips of the film to give a over view of what the film will include.
  • In the trailer the characters are shown, so the audience can start to decide there feelings on each person as the trailer show us some of there personality.
  • Trailers usually include tag lines this is so the film becomes memorable. E.g Terminator (1984) "I will be back"
  • In the trailer there aren’t any titles until the ending, but more emphasis is made on the film title so people remember the trailer there isn't as many but they are on for longer.


  • Openings should welcome the audience and introduce
  • The opening sound is literally a soundtrack
  • Opening there are a lot of titles, including names of actors, producers and companies

Casino Royale Opening

Genre- Spy/action
Narrative- Gambling, guns, fighting and Love.
Character- James Bond- he is shown to be powerful and destructive.
Atmosphere- Sneaky, suspicious and violent.
Themes- Gambling, fighting and love.
Setting- Casino.
Sound- Soundtrack throughout.
Titles- Plain white, singuluar words, draws attention.

The genre is easily spotted in this opening by the different fights that are shown, they also use the suite of cars, Hearts, very often which shows that love is a big theme in this film. The atmosphere is sneaky and agressive through different action sequences. The sound that is used is rocky and hard, this gives the film a rough feel and adds to the atmosphere. The titles that are used are to show definition of the bond franchise.

Casino Royale Trailer

Narrative -Killing, Betrayal, Love, Redemption
Character-    James bond – spy, cold hearted and killer.
Atmosphere- Spy, Tension, Upbeat and  Fast.
Themes- Action, Spy, Love, Betrayal, Survival.
Setting- Jungle, Casino, Hotel, Sea.
Sound: Theme tune throughout creates tension and familiarity.
Title- Stands out, Uses logo in title, White on dark background stands out, Grabs attention, Creates familiarity with brand products.

The theme is spy and action runs throughout the piece, it is created through the settings which create tension and action scenes. The sound track used is the James bond tune, it is instantly recognisable which means it creates the instant knowledge that it is part of a good franchise of films. Under the talk of killing and espionage the conversation of love is repeated, this shows that in this film James Bond finds love.



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