Monday, 2 May 2011

Research into similar products

Other film productions follow the same conventions of horror as our film. We have found through research that horror films set in a normal household setting are usually scarier as the audience can relate to the fear. Using personal identity people can begin to imagine and it will happen to them in real life. For example the stalker in our film is viable to be real so people would think about the stalker when on their own or in situations the same as the film. A film that uses this heavily is Strangers (2008.) In this film the use of an average home setting and household items to bring fear. The fire alarm is used to show how a normal household item can be used to cause fear and unknowing. The same technique is used in Scream (1996) where the telephone ringing is used to cause the fear of the unknown caller. The use of a stalker is used in this film. It is not used in the samer form as in our opening. In our opening you can't see the stalker, this is the same as in our opening where you can't see who the stalker is. If our film was made into a full length feature we would have shown the killer/stalkers true identity towards the end. By keeping the identity of the killer a secret it heightens the "fear factor"
We have used a mask same as Scream (1996) this is to heighten and mask the identity of the killer. Films such as Friday thirteenth (2009) and Halloween (1979) the use of masks has been used throughout the genre of horror. It is used to show that the face of the killer could be anyone so people realise that the face under the mask could be anyone. This is also used through superhero films such as Batman (1989) and throughout the group of films surrounding the character of "Batman" other superhero films which uses the hidden identity to show it could be just an average member of the public is Spiderman (2002.)      

The opening of our film shows that many murders have taken place already, this style of introduction is similar to Dawn of the Dead (2004) opening. In this opening you begin to see the chaos that is raging through the world so you straight away see where the film is set and what situation the character finds themself in. We wanted to use this same theme of opening so less time would be spent explaining the story and more time for the story to expand.                                                       

In our film opening we have decided to not show any of the actual characters that are in our film. This is to show how big the news is that it is on television and many people are worrying about it. By using this technique we have shown how the murders are causing many people to worry and that it is not stuck within a smaller group. This is making sure our piece would be enjoyed more by a vaster audience.

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